MMM Data Capture

Welcome to your MMM Data Capture

1. Region
2. How old are you in years? (Estimate if unknown)
3. What is your sex?
4. Weight in kg (estimate if not measured)
1. Do you use tobacco? (including chewing tobacco, cigars and pipes)
2. Do you consume alcohol?
3. Do you take part in at least 150 mins of moderate exercise (brisk walking) or 75 mins of more vigorous exercise per week?
4. How many years of education do you have?
1. Have you ever been diagnosed with high BP by a health professional (except in pregnancy)?
1a. If yes, at what age were you diagnosed?
1b. How many drug classes are you currently taking for your BP?
1c. Are you currently taking the medication - "Statin"?
1d. Are you currently taking the medication - "Aspirin"?
1e. Are you currently taking the medication - "Warfarin/oral anticoagulant (blood thinners)"?
2. Have you been diagnosed as having diabetes by a health professional (except in pregnancy)?
3. Have you ever experienced or been diagnosed as the following?
1. Have you had a positive test for COVID-19? If so, when?
2. Have you received the COVID-19 vaccination?
By filling in the blood pressure records, you can help us to realise your health status more.

You can fill in the blood pressure records in the following section, or using HealthCap app to record. Please record 3 times per day.

iPhone users: 
Android users:

What is HealthCap?

1. Have you ever used HealthCap app to record blood pressure?
Date of measurement (Please take 3 times on same day)
First Blood Pressure Measurement
A1. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
A2. Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP)
A3. Pulse
A4. Was the pulse regular?
Second Blood Pressure Measurement
B1. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
B2. Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP)
B3. Pulse
B4. Was the pulse regular?
Third Blood Pressure Measurement
C1. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
C2. Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP)
C3. Pulse
C4. Was the pulse regular?
Phone Number